OPPOSE BUSHY: AlterNet: Blogs: Peek: More on Rove

Saturday, July 09, 2005

AlterNet: Blogs: Peek: More on Rove

AlterNet: Blogs: Peek: More on Rove"Let's think this through for a minute. Karl Rove allegedly outed a CIA operative working on weapons of mass destruction while we are at war. Everyone is talking about him committing perjury when interviewed by the investigators. What about treason?" writes Morgaine. "He demonstrably impeded the war effort and put agents and others in harm's way.

Does he still have a security clearance? Is he still allowed in the White House?
Why was a political advisor privy to classified information?
Should a traitor have access to our pResident in a time of war? Isn't that a breach of security?
Valerie Plame's contacts may have been murdered; will he be charged with causing any deaths that might have resulted?
Ms. Plame's training cost millions of dollars, as did setting up her cover. Is Karl planning to pay that back?
Did the Justice Department know that Rove was the source of the leak from any of its investigation? How long have they known this and allowed him continued access to the White House?
Why isn't he in jail?
Why isn't Robert Novak in jail? If he rolled over on Rove, then, again, why isn't he in jail?
What did Cheney know and when did he know it?