OPPOSE BUSHY: Down the Rabbit Hole with President Queeg

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Down the Rabbit Hole with President Queeg

A couple of posts back, we see the article where, performers at the inauguration are being warned 1)Not to look at Bush directly, and 2)Not to make sudden moves.

This whole thing is getting crazier and crazier. As if Bush and whatever the hell was stuck on his back during the debates was not enough, it really seems that the Mad Queen, or Captain Queeg, or King George the Cowardly, has really gone off the deep end, and with him, all the security staff.

So, has Resident BUSHY become Medusa or something suddenly, and those who look directly at him may turn to stone? Do people need to carry mirrors, or highly polished shields to get a virtual glance...or, does he NOW think he is indeed royalty, and no commoner must meet his gaze with theirs?

Folks, I told you this nut would get nuttier, way BEFORE the election of 2004.

Now, you have the nut embedded in the White House like a tick under the saddle of a horse....whatcha gonna do when they come knocking at your door to take your personal guns, and brand 666 in your hide?